
More … Tales from the Ammo Box

We just finished our 2nd intro seminar that is entitled, "Changing the conversation around grief" One of the topics that surfaced was having more than one type of conversation. I would like to reference the preemptory and the post-traumatic type conversation today. Our idea of changing the conversation starts with overcoming the stigma and [...]

More … Tales from the Ammo Box2022-02-26T16:36:19-05:00

Dan’s Thoughts on Holiday Grief

https://youtu.be/wT7j9eQcEsU Holiday's can be really hard when you have lost a family member or had a difficult time this past year. Nancy and I have been talking about doing a series of conversations on grief. While I am new to doing videos, future postings will be a little less stiff as I attempt to [...]

Dan’s Thoughts on Holiday Grief2021-12-20T15:07:33-05:00

Men’s Health & Healing – my tale

This past August I had a Radical Prostatectomy My journey through this life event has given me a new appreciation for my health and the support I have in partnership with my wife, Nancy. We recently celebrated 51 years together and 45 years as man & wife. Had I not had the ability to share [...]

Men’s Health & Healing – my tale2021-10-13T15:22:21-04:00

Self-Guided Grief Journey

I've created a Self-Guided Grief journey based upon the lessons I have learned along the way on my now grief journey.   It is a compilation of 25 videos that you can watch at your own pace combined with work sheets and resources to help you along the way.   Here is the first video [...]

Self-Guided Grief Journey2021-09-30T11:31:40-04:00

The Sound of Emotion

Being with Grief has an on-going project called Gift Circle. The idea is that we all have gifts and that we find meaning by sharing these gifts with others. The work that I have been called to do and offer here is based on this idea. I grew up during the 60 & 70’s during [...]

The Sound of Emotion2021-09-30T11:24:54-04:00

Early Grief

In talking about early grief, I consider it as two separate categories. The first can be called a “life-defining” grief, in my case, the grief I felt soon after our daughter, Leah died. The second is the grief you accumulate early in your life. For me, this early life grief was a series of [...]

Early Grief2021-08-05T10:50:00-04:00

Grief Work

I have spent a lot of time thinking about and working with grief including the pain, doubt, fear and shame that accompanies this human condition. While I have come to understand that grief is a normal and natural condition, I now also understand that grief as an emotion is different from living with the [...]

Grief Work2021-08-05T10:53:58-04:00

A Dream About Leah

I had a dream about Leah last night. It’s been a while since that has happened. In the dream, I knew at some level that she was no longer with me in physical form, so it gave me great comfort to be with her in the dream. She was slightly older than when she left [...]

A Dream About Leah2017-04-25T16:16:17-04:00


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