This past August I had a Radical Prostatectomy

My journey through this life event has given me a new appreciation for my health and the support I have in partnership with my wife, Nancy. We recently celebrated 51 years together and 45 years as man & wife. Had I not had the ability to share this event with her and gain the benefit of sharing the burden of my grief, I would not be recovering at the same rate or with the same success.

The impact of this surgery has had an impact on my state of mind and given me much to think about. Prostate cancer will affect the lives of the majority of men as they age. Health professionals recommend that after the age of 40 you should be screened for your PSA level. It is a simple blood test that gives an indication of whether cancer is present in your prostate. Normal levels are indicated by anything less than one with the lower number the better. My level was 5.5 enough for my physician to recommend that I see a urologist. After a biopsy it was determined that I go through the procedure. I was lucky, I never had my PSA checked. I had neglected routine exams, and regret that I took my health for granted. Fortunately, the result of the surgery indicates that it was a success and that nothing had spread.

Coming to terms with and recovery from the loss of health is possible. Your attitude and mental equilibrium depends on having support and access to the tools needed for recovery. These tools are not always available because they are not something we normally discuss. Yet, we will all experience the loss of our physical powers over time. That is something that I am recognizing in myself and that I am working on.

As a grief support advocate and a grief recovery specialist, I help men facing crisis and attempting to overcome their grief. It is not an easy task to handle and most men are not equipped when grief enters their life. This is especially true when you realize that your life has changed in such a profound way.

Prostate cancer will affect the lives of the majority of men as they age.

If you would like to talk about where you are at in your recovery, I would be more than happy to share my story and listen with an open healed heart to yours. Schedule a date here or contact me at [email protected]