
Tales from the Ammo Box – Temple of your mind and Warrior Culture

A few days ago, I journaled about the area aligned with my eyes on the side of my head, referred to as your temple. And being a good follower of the obvious, the origin of the word struck me. What better name could you have for this area? Nancy and I both talk about [...]

Tales from the Ammo Box – Temple of your mind and Warrior Culture2022-05-27T07:48:24-04:00

Tales from the Ammo Box

Today I was struck by another question. On a typical day, I'll either find myself thinking about how did "That Guy" think up "that idea" and gift it to the world or I end up musing about the lyrics to songs going through my head. Since I started this men's grief series that I am [...]

Tales from the Ammo Box2022-02-27T13:20:40-05:00

Tales From The Ammo Box

Preface: The ammo box is a physical illustration of how I stuffed my grief. As I start this storyline, I begin to understand the relationship that I have with my father who died less than a year after I got married. That was 45 years ago and I can’t help but think that our [...]

Tales From The Ammo Box2022-02-25T13:31:13-05:00

Milestones and Holidays

Nothing can knock the wind out of our sails like the approach of a holiday or a milestone day. Even after over 21 years my daughter’s birthday can bring tears. Mother’s Day is bittersweet. The year-end holidays can bring sadness. All of these occasions also bring immense joy and celebration too. I didn’t come to [...]

Milestones and Holidays2022-01-12T14:47:58-05:00

Everyday Grief

One of the gifts of my grief journey was realizing that grief is a lifelong journey. That idea may have been peripheral before Leah died, yet as I navigated the months and years after she left us, I became much more aware of how grief affects our everyday lives. Before Leah died, I had experienced [...]

Everyday Grief2022-01-12T14:43:34-05:00

Connections and Touch

“One day every that Leah touched will be gone.” This thought haunted me in the early part of my grief journey. It felt like if I no longer had anything that Leah touched that our connection would be gone. I knew that this was not true. For example, I have her key ring with me keys. [...]

Connections and Touch2022-01-12T14:37:16-05:00

Blessing and Grace

Blessings and Grace became the mantra of my grief journey. I found that each time I was able to meet my feelings of grief in my heart I would receive blessings and grace, each and every single time. When this first happened, I was perplexed.  I didn’t think that I deserved to receive blessing and [...]

Blessing and Grace2022-01-12T14:24:43-05:00

Grief is Not Contagious

“What is the unseen force that keeps people from wanting to engage (their own) grief and avoid those who are grieving?” (From Chapter 10, The Alchemy of Grief: Your Journey to Wholeness) The answer to this question is what keeps me motivated to help others engage in their feelings of grief, and be with [...]

Grief is Not Contagious2022-01-08T15:28:53-05:00


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