Eating Psychology

Relaxing Into Myself

When the dust settled after my book launch party I wondered, “ Okay. What now? What do authors do once the editing, publishing, and launching are done?” The answer came soon enough; market the book. I began the process of writing to venues to request book events and speaking engagements, shifted my networking message, and [...]

Relaxing Into Myself2017-03-17T12:39:04-04:00

Grief and Eating Psychology

This past weekend I was in Boulder, Colorado, attending a Psychology of Eating Conference. It was good to be back in the presence of the mountains. The majesty of the mountains never fails to nourish me. The conference was a powerful reminder of the importance of my work as an Eating Psychology Coach. I reconnected [...]

Grief and Eating Psychology2015-06-04T11:42:07-04:00

How to Listen to Your Own Heart

I am more aware lately of how inundated we are with messages. They are everywhere: on billboards, television, Facebook, and in magazines to name a few places. Everywhere we look we see advice for every issue or problem we may have. These messages have good intentions. Someone found a way to make a problem better, [...]

How to Listen to Your Own Heart2015-06-04T14:23:45-04:00

I Need Your Input

As I sat down to write this blog I found that my thoughts were all over the place. They were all good thoughts, but I would write a sentence about one topic and then switch to an unrelated topic. I decided to let it go for a while and come back later. When I resumed [...]

I Need Your Input2015-06-04T14:19:43-04:00

Reflections on the Unknown

I am writing this blog a couple of days early. I want to engage you during this in-between time. The days between the holidays are a time of reflection for me. A time when everyday life slows down a little bit. This has been especially true for me since our daughter's passing. As we adjusted [...]

Reflections on the Unknown2015-06-04T18:41:53-04:00

Dancing With My Inner Rebel

I've been thinking about my inner rebel a lot lately. She's the one who tries to get my attention by eating gluten, or having that one more glass of wine, or "just a few chips". She gets my attention all right, my body no longer wants gluten or wine or chips. My body feels better [...]

Dancing With My Inner Rebel2015-06-04T13:13:29-04:00


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