
My Grand Adventure

On July 24, 2020, I became a grandmother for the first time! I’ve known this was going to happen for a while, yet I wasn’t fully prepared for the flood of emotion that arrived upon the sight of my granddaughter’s face at 3 AM on a Saturday morning. It rocked my world like few [...]

My Grand Adventure2021-08-05T11:00:00-04:00


Here we are in the middle of a year that was supposed to be big.  At the end of 2019 and at the beginning of this year, we all read things like this: This is going to be the year that……. (fill in our own blank) It is a year of change to be [...]


Sitting in the Mystery

Today I’ve been thinking a lot about my journey, not only my grief journey but the entirety of my journey here on earth. While Leah’s death and my subsequent journey to find meaning and purpose in my life again is the single most profound event in my life, what I recognize is that the [...]

Sitting in the Mystery2021-08-05T11:01:23-04:00

I Don’t Have a Passion

  What is my passion?    I’ve heard that question a lot lately; actually I’ve heard it all my life and I’ve never been able to answer it. As a child there was never one thing that grabbed my attention completely and had me transfixed. Nothing that I was drawn to do with a [...]

I Don’t Have a Passion2021-08-05T11:02:58-04:00

Dancing on the Edge of the Unknown

I’ve been in a time of not doing for a while now, and I’ve struggled against it, wanting to do rather than be. During this time I was a presenter at a business retreat that was planned way before I entered this space, and it came together seamlessly. This was confirmation that, when I’m working [...]

Dancing on the Edge of the Unknown2020-02-03T13:43:41-05:00

My Grief Journey is Like a Compost Pile

My yearlong quest is over.I spent my birthday in Minneapolis, reflecting, in gratitude, and connecting with beloved family. We talked a lot about grief, and where our journeys have taken each of us.We were all grieving the same person, Leah, and we all had profoundly different experiences. Each of our lives were frozen in the [...]

My Grief Journey is Like a Compost Pile2020-02-03T13:46:12-05:00

Lessons From My Shoulder Surgery

What did I learn from my down time, while I was recovering from shoulder surgery?As I reflect on this time, it is clear to me that my surgery and the time after was not down time at all. Let me explain.Since the beginning of this year I’ve been aware of clarity of language, more precisely, [...]

Lessons From My Shoulder Surgery2020-02-03T13:44:38-05:00

Tales from My Journey

When I first started my year-long quest on my 64th birthday I thought I went into it with no expectations. I certainly didn’t expect to discover I needed shoulder replacement surgery. And yet, as I prepared for it, I found out that I held emotional baggage in my shoulder. I first thought that releasing the [...]

Tales from My Journey2020-02-03T13:46:59-05:00

Getting Ready for Surgery

Here is a picture of my new chair. There was a time when I would have told you that I would never own a recliner. I don’t like them and I never have. So why do I now have one in my bedroom? Next week I am going to have shoulder replacement surgery. When I [...]

Getting Ready for Surgery2019-02-07T14:04:17-05:00

My Yearlong Quest Took A Detour

I returned home from four days in Vegas last week, or maybe it was last year, or yesterday. It was one of those experiences that was timeless and that cellularly changed me once again. The event was called The Stage, and I took the stage to tell my story. What I came to realize is [...]

My Yearlong Quest Took A Detour2019-07-09T07:25:00-04:00


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