
Labels Are Confining

I’m often asked if I am an intuitive or an empath when I ask a client a sacred question, one  that hits the heart of the matter, or that cuts to the core of what they have been working on. A questions that brings clarity to what they thought of as chaos. As a [...]

Labels Are Confining2021-08-05T13:52:34-04:00

How Did I Get Here?

It occurred to me that if you are a recent reader of my blog, you might not know how I got to a place where I’m able to be vulnerable about my grief journey. Let me take a few minutes to bring you up to date. All my life I’ve been a seeker. Even as [...]

How Did I Get Here?2021-08-05T13:33:05-04:00

Do You Have a Daily Practice?

Throughout my life I’ve always been fascinated when someone talked about a daily practice. I imagined that their practice allowed them to be exactly the person they wanted to be, 100% of the time, especially when the person talking about to me was someone I looked up to, someone who seemed to have it [...]

Do You Have a Daily Practice?2021-08-05T10:48:11-04:00

Through the Gate

I took this picture on a recent walk. I've always been fascinated by wrought iron gates. Gates are a common image in guided meditations, in dreams, on a walk. For me, they represent entrances into a mysterious place, my inner realm. Gates have appeared at many important times of my life. There was a [...]

Through the Gate2021-08-05T10:51:20-04:00

Everything I Have Done…..

“Everything you have done until now has prepared you for what is next.” When I heard that message shortly after Leah died, I had no idea that it meant EVERYTHING; every little thing that I have ever gone through in my entire life.  I came to that realization after a week of book events [...]

Everything I Have Done…..2021-08-05T10:56:34-04:00

There’s More Than One Way to Get to the Park

I’ve been receiving the following message in my morning meditation: “Show up unapologetically as yourself in everything that you do.” There was a time when that would have sent me down a rabbit hole or into a tailspin. What if “they” don’t like the fullness of who I am?  (Who is this mythical “they” [...]

There’s More Than One Way to Get to the Park2021-08-05T10:56:58-04:00

Our Journey to St. Paul

I took some time during the past week to do some deeper reflection on the past year and everything it brought up for me. There is no doubt that 2020 held many difficulties for all of us.  What I noticed for me is the disruption of pandemic affected me on a personal energetic level.  [...]

Our Journey to St. Paul2021-08-05T10:57:30-04:00

20 Years is a Long Time

We marked the 20-year anniversary of Leah’s death earlier this month. 20 years. That fact is enough to stop me in my tracks.  20 years is a long time. That’s what I thought when I first began to mark 20-year milestones; 20 years since I graduated grade school and high school, my 20-year wedding anniversary, [...]

20 Years is a Long Time2021-08-05T10:57:52-04:00

Finding Joy, Even in Grief

Is it possible to find small moments of joy when we are grieving, or when we are living through a pandemic? Each year when I enter into the portal of Leah’s death, it always takes me back to November of 2000. I remember how I felt when the police came into my office to [...]

Finding Joy, Even in Grief2021-08-05T10:58:13-04:00


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