I’m offering a glimpse into this powerful practice. You will receive 2 audio recordings:
- A reading from my book The Alchemy of Grief: Your Journey to Wholeness that gives you a personal glimpse of one of my own Samyama sessions.
- A recording to experience and practice Present moment Awareness on your own. This recording can be used as often as you’d like to learn the practice called Samyama.
Stepping into Presence
Everyday you hear a lot about being present, about living mindfully. You’ve heard that being present helps you to slow down and enjoy life, while accomplishing everything you want to accomplish. And yet every Monday morning you wake up, wondering why you didn’t do most of what is on your list, and on top of that, you have no idea how to learn how to be present, or if really can help you because you don’t know how you can fit one more thing into your busy life.
Are you ready to stop agonizing about your life and why you aren’t accomplishing what you tell yourself you will accomplish when wake up every Monday morning?
Are you ready to heal your old emotional wounds, the past, and everything that is keeping you stuck where you are?
Are you ready to live from love rather than fear?
Do you want to be in touch with your deepest wisdom and your intuition without the endless mind trip?
If you answered yes to even one of these questions, these audio recordings will open the door to a new way of being.
A Practice to Learn Presence
- A spiritual practice, a meditation, that can become a way of life.
- A way to be present to, and intimate with, the Holy/Divine.
- A way to be truly present : to our own hearts, bodies, feeling, our own Divine Self – if we can be present to ourselves, we can be present to others, to Life.
- A way to open and deepen spiritually.
- A way to be present to our own feelings, rather than our stories about our feelings.
- A way to increasingly live life from our hearts rather than our heads,
- A way to directly experience everything – life, others, nature, relationships, etc., rather than through the veils of our ideas, beliefs, & our stories.
- A way to receptive devotion: open to our deepest wisdom and intuition, receive guidance and direction, receive solutions for apparent problems, rather than doing head trips or agonizing about things.
- A way to learn to surrender, to trust, to open in love, to dissolve our fear and defenses and let our hearts break open – and see what happens!
- A way to open to what is, as it is, whatever it is.
You will receive 2 audio recordings:
- A reading from my book The Alchemy of Grief: Your Journey to Wholeness that gives you a personal glimpse of one of my own Samyama sessions.
- A recording to experience and practice Present moment Awareness on your own. This recording can be used as often as you’d like to learn the practice called Samyama.