After I became certified as a Samyama Practitioner, it took several more years and a few twists and turns before I was ready to say yes to walking with others on their grief journeys.

I knew my corporate job was no longer serving me and I was being called to do work that was in alignment with my true heart. My heart that always whispered to me my true value throughout my life, yet I never believed it until I took time to unravel the old stories that kept me stuck in childhood wounds.

I took early retirement from that job in the summer of 2013. The year before I had taken several certifications to do work in a completely different field.  It was important work, it was work that the world needed, it was work that benefited my personally. It was not my work.

I was just about ready to launch this new business, and I was at a business retreat to get clarity and discern my next steps.  The second day of the retreat consisted of mastermind hot seats.  Of 6 women, I was to go last.  All day long I witnessed miraculous shifts and transformations as each woman took her turn in the hot seat.  I knew that none of that would happen for me, because I knew my next steps, I just needed a clear plan.

When it was my turn, I began by saying that the initiation of Leah’s death has led me to do work that is in alignment with my heart. The leader of the retreat looked at me and said.

”So then why aren’t you helping others through their grief journeys?”

In that moment my soul said,


In that one instant I knew I was ready.  It didn’t matter that my new website was ready to go live the following week.  It didn’t matter that I had spent almost a year getting ready for a business that would never be launched.  I was ready, in that moment. Another huge lesson of presence.

My remaining time in the hot seat consisted of creating the bones of Being With Grief, including the name.  That evening I registered the domain name.  I was living what is possible when I do my work, plant the seeds in past moments, and stay present to receive the manifestation of the present moment I was in.

On the way home, I wrote a newsletter to my list and told the story I told here, and announced the shift in my work.  When I returned home I had a request for 2 clients, not my first clients, my first grief clients that I called in to my business.  I had confirmation that I was on the right track.

From that day on I knew my calling was to walk with others on their grief journey.